Road Trip Planning

Greetings from Sarasota, FL.  This August (2015), our daughter will be starting college at Loyola University Maryland, in Baltimore.  After she made her college choice, we were challenged to figure out how to transport all of her belongings to her new (school-year) home.  Since our Model S has more storage room than our SUV, and since our road trip fuel is free at the Tesla supercharger stations, we decided to drive our Model S to Baltimore. Once our daughter is settled in, my wife and I will become instant “empty nesters”.  So we decided to extend our road trip and enjoy a 33 day, 7,200 mile tour of America, on free electric fuel in our Tesla Model S.  That breaks down to 18 driving days averaging 400 miles per day, and 15 non-driving days for sightseeing and relaxing.

Map3_with_Car_18cOn our route to the north we’ll visit Savannah, GA, Richmond, VA, and Baltimore’s Inner Harbor.  Then we’ll head west to visit Chicago’s Magnificent Mile, Mount Rushmore and nearby Rapid City.  Next, we’ll continue on to Denver, Vail, Las Vegas, the Hoover Dam, and finally San Diego.  On our return trip, we’ll visit Sedona, AZ, Santa Fe, NM, Dallas, TX, Baton Rouge, LA, and Tallahassee, FL. Twenty five (25) states in all, and (56) refueling stops at Tesla Supercharger Stations.  Take Me to the Travel Log

We’re happy to have you “along for the ride”.  Feel free to share this site with others.